Gateway Ambassadors Keep BID Area Safe, Help Visitors

Perhaps, now more than ever, finding a friendly face with important information in the airport area is important for travelers, visitors and local workers, alike.

So, whether it’s a visitor struggling to find an address, a hotel guest looking for directions to a restaurant or a hotel security director comparing notes on what’s happening around town, Gateway LA’s Goodwill Ambassadors are on the job.

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The team, clad in their distinctive yellow shirts, are often the first people visitors encounter when coming to the Gateway area, and they know the streets, the businesses and the people better than anyone.

“They can tell you what restaurants are open. They can tell you the best places to park. They can tell you where we have a homeless issue,” said Gateway’s Executive Director Laurie Hughes. “I think of them as concierges for the whole area. They do a great job helping people with all kinds of requests.”

A key component of the Ambassadors’ job in working closely with local law enforcement agencies and private security at Gateway-area properties to keep the area safe. From spotting graffiti or identifying an area that needs cleaning up, the Ambassadors help observe and report all that is going on in the Gateway area.


While LAPD’s Pacific Division, which includes the Gateway area, routinely ranks among the safest areas of the city, Gateway Ambassadors serve as the primary eyes and ears on the street. In addition, their yellow shirts provide a highly-visible bicycle patrol throughout the district and their ability to arrive quietly on their bikes makes them a helpful tool in addressing everything from interacting with the homeless to spotting potential crimes. In addition to improving security, Ambassadors play a valuable role in public safety, and can often be seen assisting people involved in traffic accidents before police arrive.

Ambassadors also serve as the canary in the coal mine for operational issues throughout the district. They are often the first to report when streetlights are out or a new pothole is discovered. They spot illegal signage, graffiti and even flooding or landscaping that needs attention. By identifying issues like this, Gateway can work immediately with property owners and the city to rectify any situation that needs to be addressed.

“We are proud of the work our ambassadors do because they truly are the face of Gateway LA,” said Director of Program Services Michael Russell, who oversees the program. “They are professional and effective, and the area is a  much better place to be because of the hard work they do.”

Esteban King, who has been a Gateway Ambassador for six years, said he gets satisfaction from doing his job and helping others.

“I really like the job itself because I like being outside, communicating with people and helping them get around safely,” said the Los Angeles resident.

Tyrone Tate, who has been with Gateway for two years, said he enjoys the job, too.

“We get to meet lots of new people and help them find their way around the district.” he said.

Thank you to the entire Gateway LA Goodwill Ambassadors team: Esteban King, Tyrone Tate,

Joseph Lopez, Joe Genish and Dayvion Taylor.

The next time you see a yellow-shirted ambassador in the district, please be sure to say “hi” and thank them for the outstanding job they’re doing to keep the area safe.